Connecting Sewer Service for Hilton Head Island
Project SAFE and Hilton Head need your help
Did you know that hundreds of families on Hilton Head Island are not connected to our public sewer system and instead still use septic tanks to treat their household wastewater?
Septic systems frequently fail on Hilton Head due to our high groundwater table and numerous tree roots. These failures can pose a threat to public health and to the island’s environment and waterways. Hilton Head Public Service District (PSD) and the Town of Hilton Head Island have a shared goal of eliminating septic system usage on the island. Unfortunately, many of the homes that are without sewer connection are owned by low-income families that struggle to meet the cost of installing sewer.
Project SAFE (Sewer Access for Everyone) is a charitable fund of the Community Foundation of the Lowcountry.
The fund provides grants for low- and moderate-income homeowners to connect to the public sewer system. More than $800,000 has been donated to SAFE since 2001, which has helped more than 400 families connect to sewer. SAFE currently is completing a $3-million campaign to fund connection grants as part of the Town and PSD’s Master Sewer Plan initiative, which is bringing sewer access to hundreds of properties in the north- and mid-island areas that previously lacked access.
You can help protect public health and the quality of life on Hilton Head Island by making a donation to Project SAFE today.
Simply visit the Foundation at and select “Project SAFE Fund” from the “Select Fund” drop-down menu. Or call the Foundation at (843) 681-9100 or Hilton Head PSD at (843) 681-5525 and say you’d like to make a donation to Project SAFE.
Master Sewer Project News
PSD sewer service effort continues to make progress
Hilton Head PSD is entering the final phase of construction of a five-year master sewer plan to provide sanitary sewer service to more than 400
To get your property connected to the sewer system, please contact Hilton Head PSD Customer Service at (843) 681-5525 or [email protected]. The PSD will arrange your connection for you. You can finance all of your connection costs over 20 years at low interest through the PSD. You also can receive a full or partial grant to cover your connection costs. A Sewer Availability Fee is charged to all properties that have sewer service available but remain unconnected.