Hilton Head PSD earns EPA WaterSense Excellence Award

Heather Bragg Bragg Media and Pete Nardi Hilton Head PSD

Hilton Head Public Service District (PSD) has earned the 2020 Excellence in Education and Outreach Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s WaterSense program. The PSD earned the award for its efforts to inform and educate customers about water efficiency and environmental sustainability programs.  “Hilton Head PSD has done a great job of amplifying WaterSense […]

Important Water Safety Tips for Reopening Schools and Businesses

school water safety

As re-openings of schools and businesses occur in South Carolina, the PSD would like to provide the following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) because safely restarting water use in an unused or underused building requires several preventative steps.COVID-19 has not been detected in any public drinking water because current water […]

Hilton Head PSD builds demonstration well at The Gullah Museum of Hilton Head

PSD demonstration well gullah museum

Hilton Head PSD’s Johnny Malphrus built a demonstration well at The Gullah Museum of Hilton Head Island, located at 12 Georgianna Dr., as part of PSD outreach related to the history of water on the island. The demonstration well has a vintage cast iron hand water pump, which is used to demonstrate the traditional way […]

PSD earns 10th straight financial reporting award

Hilton Head PSD earns 10th financial award

Hilton Head Public Service District (PSD) has received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association. This is the PSD’s 10th consecutive year receiving the award. It is “the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant […]

Why Water’s Worth It

Water Resources for Kids Hilton Head PSD

Water resources educate kids on just how precious of a natural resource water is for all of us WATER’S WORTH IT® is a campaign by Water Environment Federation (WEF), the PSD’s wastewater industry association that encourages the public to preserve and protect water. The coronavirus pandemic has provided a reminder that access to water and […]

Faces of Water


Hilton Head PSD’s General Manager Pete Nardi featured in LocalLife Magazine Story from LocalLife Magazine by Barry Kaufman + Photography by Lisa Staff Living as we do in the Lowcountry, water nearly literally surrounds us. Those living along the string of barrier islands in our region see it everywhere they look, and even the mainlanders […]

Hilton Head PSD services and coronavirus

HILTON HEAD ISLAND, S.C. (March 16, 2020) – The clean tap water and sanitary sewer service provided by Hilton Head PSD are vital to public health in our community. The PSD team is committed to the continuity and effectiveness of our water and sewer systems in the face of all hazards, including the coronavirus pandemic. Your […]

Leading Ladies of Hilton Head PSD

HIlton Head Monthly interviewed the leading ladies of Hilton Head PSD

Barry Kaufman / Hilton Head Monthly Founded in 1969, Hilton Head PSD has provided clean water and friendly service to the island as it has grown from a sleepy golf resort into a busy community. We asked a few of their leading ladies about their work at HHPSD and their lives as women in the […]

Hilton Head PSD earns Partnership for Safe Water Directors Award

Interior of the PSD’s Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Treatment Facility on Jenkins Island, which produces 4 million gallons a day of high-quality drinking water.

Hilton Head Public Service District (PSD) has earned the Directors Award from the Partnership for Safe Water for its efforts toward optimization of its drinking water distribution system. The PSD completed a rigorous self-assessment of its drinking water system that was then reviewed by utility peers from around the country. PSD Water Quality Supervisor Scott […]