Hilton Head PSD earns Facility Excellence Awards

Hilton Head Public Service District (PSD) has earned the S.C. Department of Environmental Services’ Facility Excellence Awards for the PSD’s Recycled Water Plant on Oak Park Drive, and for its sanitary sewer collection system. The awards, which recognize the PSD team for environmental protection and regulatory compliance, were presented at the Water Environment Association of South Carolina’s 2025 Environmental Conference this week. The PSD’s Recycled Water Plant annually treats approximately 1 billion gallons of wastewater, producing beneficial recycled water that is then used for golf course irrigation and wetlands nourishment, with zero discharge to area waterways. The PSD’s sanitary sewer collection system represents one of the best environmental protection systems on the island, collecting wastewater from homes and businesses for conveyance to the Recycled Water Plant.

“The PSD team performs a 24/7/365 service that efficiently and effectively protects our quality of life and our precious island environment,” said PSD General Manager Pete Nardi. “The support of our customers, Board of Commissioners, and island stakeholders keeps this leading ‘green technology’ running strong.”

About the PSD:

Hilton Head PSD is the public water, sewer, wastewater treatment, and recycled water utility serving more than 25,500 customers in the north- and mid-island areas of Hilton Head Island.

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