Hilton Head PSD is entering the final phase of construction of a five-year master sewer plan to provide sanitary sewer service to more than 400 properties in the PSD service area. The Town of Hilton Head Island is funding sewer main construction on scores of streets and the PSD has obtained a low-interest loan from the South Carolina Clean Water Revolving Fund to construct mains on additional streets and to serve multiple landlocked properties. In all, the five-year plan will see more than nine miles of sewer lines installed in the PSD’s service area! The PSD is now preparing to complete years three through five of the plan by the spring or summer of 2019.

The years one through two projects have been completed, providing sewer service on the following streets: Nazarene Rd., Sassafras Ln., Trinh Palace Way, Oakview Rd., Spanish Wells Rd., Sam Frazier Retreat, Freddie’s Way, Sadie Common, Rasta Dr., Dillon Rd., Ferguson Ln., Kids Way, Ned Ct., Rhiner Dr., Fetterbush Dr., Marshland Rd., Allen Rd., Julia Dr., Mackerel Dr., Pinefield Rd., Dianah Dr., William Way, Aiken Pl., L&L Broadcasting Dr., Jessica Dr., Chisolm Dr., and Thomas Cohen Dr.
The additional projects the PSD is funding through the Clean Water Revolving Fund will provide sewer service on: Campbell Dr., Diamondback Rd., Evelina Dr., McDonough Ln., Betty P. Ln., Abraham Jones Ln., Grant Dr., Butterfly Dr., Benjamin Dr., Elizabeth Dr., and to multiple landlocked properties off various roads.
Project SAFE (Sewer Access for Everyone) is a charitable fund of the Community Foundation of the Lowcountry that provides grants for low to moderate income homeowners to cover their sewer connection costs. Project SAFE is raising $3 million for connection grants as part of this five-year plan. All PSD customers regardless of income can avail themselves of long term low interest financing through the PSD to cover all connection costs as well.
Per state law, once sewer service is available, no repairs can be made to existing septic systems – owners must connect to the sewer system. No new septic systems may be installed where sewer service is available, per state law. In this regard, the five-year plan is not only providing a solution for homeowners with failing septic systems, it also is preventing further septic system installations on Hilton Head Island. Scientific research conducted by the University of South Carolina Beaufort has found that septic systems are ill-suited to the island’s soil types.
If you have a question about sewer service for your property, please contact the PSD at [email protected] or (843) 681-5525.