Master Sewer Plan projects moving forward

Work is continuing to bring sewer service to homes in Hilton Head Island’s north- and mid-island neighborhoods as part of the Town of Hilton Head Island and Hilton Head Public Service District (PSD) Master Sewer Plan projects. About 440 existing homes will ultimately gain access to sewer thanks to this jointly funded project. The Town is contributing $10 million for sewer mains, the PSD is funding $3 million for new sewer lift stations and additional sewer mains, and Project SAFE (Sewer Access for Everyone), a charitable fund of the Community Foundation of the Lowcountry, is raising $3 million for grants for low- and moderate-income homeowners’ sewer connection costs.

In all, more than 9 miles of sewer collector mains will be installed in neighborhoods that previously lacked access. Providing sewer access to communities has been a top priority for the Town Council and the PSD.

The PSD already has installed 5 miles of sewer mains to serve 230 existing homes on more than 25 streets in the the Oakview, Marshland, and Dillon Road areas. The utility also has built two regional sewer lift stations on Marshland and Oakview roads, and has upgraded existing lift stations on Summit Drive and Muddy Creek Road. All owners receiving access in these areas have been notified that they can now connect, and to date more than 60 homes already have connected to sewer as a result of these projects.

Work is now under way to install 4 miles of sewer on more than 25 streets in the Squire Pope, Wild Horse, Mitchelville, Fish Haul and Baygall areas. More than 150 existing homes will receive sewer access as a result of these projects, which are anticipated to wrap up by spring 2019. The PSD also is funding a group of projects for additional streets and landlocked properties, which will bring access to about 60 homes.

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