Rates as of July 2024

Monthly Water Rates

Water Per UnitWater & Irrigation
Base Charge Per Unit$17.50$22.50
Usage Tiers Per GallonPrice Per 1,000 GallonsPrice Per 1,000 Gallons
First 10,000 Gallons$1.58$1.69
10,001-20,000 Gallons$2.24$2.24
20,001-30,000 Gallons$2.79$2.79
More than 30,001 Gallons$3.72$3.72

Monthly Sewer Rates

Base Charge Per Unit$19.50$19.50
Usage ChargeAll Residential customers, including Multi-Family Residential with Master Meter, are charged $2.31 per 1,000 gallons of water used per month. Residential customers’ sewer usage charges are capped at 10,000 gallons of water used per month per unit.All Commercial customers are charged $2.31 per 1,000 gallons of water used per month. There is no cap on Commercial sewer usage charges.

Monthly Residential Irrigation Rates

For customers with separate irrigation meters only

Base Charge Per Unit$17.50
Usage Tiers Per GallonPrice Per 1,000 Gallons
First 10,000 Gallons$2.24
10,001-20,000 Gallons$2.24
20,001-30,000 Gallons$2.79
More than 30,001 Gallons$3.72

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